30 Creative Poetry Writing Exercises to Spark Your Imagination

Are you looking to take your poetry writing to the next level? Whether you're a seasoned poet or just starting out, these creative writing exercises will ignite your inspiration & help you write unique, engaging poems. Dive into these 30 fun & thought-provoking prompts to get your creative juices flowing!

1. Word Association

Write a poem where each line starts with the next word you associate with the last word of the previous line. Let your mind wander & see where it takes you!

2. Synesthesia

Describe a scene using senses that don't typically apply. For example, "the sound of her smile" or "the taste of sunlight."

3. Erasure Poetry

Take a page from a book, magazine, or newspaper & create a poem by erasing words, leaving behind only those that form a new, cohesive piece.

4. Ekphrasis

Write a poem inspired by a piece of art or photograph. Focus on the visual details & the emotions they evoke.

5. Persona Poem

Write from the perspective of a non-human entity, such as an animal, an inanimate object, or an abstract concept.

6. Dialogue

Write a poem in the form of a dialogue between two characters, real or imagined.

7. Found Poetry

Use words & phrases from various sources like street signs, menus, or advertisements to construct a poem.

8. Haiku Chain

Write a series of linked haikus that tell a story or explore a single theme.

9. Reverse Poem

Write a poem that can be read both forwards and backwards, with different meanings in each direction.

10. Memory Box

Write about a significant memory, focusing on the sensory details & emotions it brings up.

11. List Poem

Create a poem in the form of a list, such as "Things I’ve Lost" or "Reasons to Smile."

12. Metaphor Challenge

Write a poem using a single extended metaphor throughout.

13. Letter Poem

Compose a poem in the form of a letter to someone you know, someone you admire, or even to yourself.

14. Contradictions

Explore contradictions or paradoxes in a poem, such as "the beauty in sadness" or "the chaos in order."

15. Seasonal Reflections

Write a poem that captures the essence of your favorite season, using vivid imagery & personal reflections.

16. Dream Journal

Write a poem based on a dream you remember vividly, capturing its surreal & fragmented nature.

17. Sensory Swap

Describe a common experience (like eating a meal or walking in the rain) but swap the usual senses (e.g., tasting colors, hearing flavors).

18. Pantoum

Write a pantoum, a poetic form where the second & fourth lines of each stanza become the first & third lines of the next.

19. Unexpected Similes

Use unexpected or unusual similes throughout your poem (e.g., "like a whisper in a thunderstorm").

20. Emotional Inventory

Write a poem that catalogs a range of emotions you’ve felt over a specific period, detailing the moments that triggered them.

21. Alphabet Poem

Write a poem where each line or stanza starts with the next letter of the alphabet.

22. Personification

Give human characteristics to an inanimate object or abstract idea & write a poem from its perspective.

23. Imaginary Travel

Write about traveling to a place you've never been but have always wanted to visit, incorporating imagined sights, sounds, & experiences.

24. Shadow & Light

Explore the concepts of shadow & light in a poem, both literally & metaphorically.

25. Social Media Snapshot

Write a poem based on a snapshot or post from social media, imagining the story behind the image or text.

26. Incomplete Sentences

Start each line with an incomplete sentence, leaving it open to interpretation & completion by the reader.

27. Mixed Media

Write a poem inspired by listening to a piece of music, watching a movie scene, or reading a news article.

28. Epistolary Poem

Compose a series of short poems in the form of letters to different people or entities, real or fictional.

29. Color Palette

Choose a color & write a poem that evokes that color through imagery, emotions, & memories associated with it.

30. Historical Event

Write a poem about a historical event, focusing on the personal experiences of someone living through it.

Ready to Get Started?

Poetry is all about expressing your unique voice. These exercises are designed to push your creative boundaries & help you discover new ways to tell your story. So grab your notebook, pick a prompt, & start writing today!

Share Your Work!

If you find these prompts helpful, share your poems with us! Tag us on social media or drop a comment below with your creations. Happy writing!


The Ultimate Guide for Poets: From Writing to Performing & Everything in Between